Bo Johansson

Bo Johansson

Vertex Sweden AB

Bo Johansson

Innovator, Vertex Sweden AB

Reduce the impact on both the environment and the company’s financial standing

In all honesty, do you know how many LED fittings you’ve got in your system? LED is fantastic, but don’t replace operational lights just for the sake of it. Instead, lower the voltage and electricity cost, and prepare for the transition to LED in peace and quiet. The price of LEDs is dropping all the time.

Have you recently replaced old mercury lights with high-pressure sodium or metal-halide? Good – keep them, and postpone the LED investment! Lower the voltage instead and reduce power consumption by 30-40 %. It’s just as easily done as said!

Is your business run by strategic environmental goals? Did you know that every produced kWh of power generates 1 hectogram of carbon dioxide? Lowering the voltage in the lighting system reduces the impact on the environment and the company’s finances.

A LED lasts for at least 100,000 hours. The question is whether the electronics last as long. Phase-compensating and lowering the voltage in the entire system reduces the load on all components, resulting in a longer lifespan (LEDs included).

Optimising the power factor and lowering the voltage in the entire lighting system allows the lighting quality to remain unchanged. The human eye won’t be able to tell the difference anyway, and it’s the best instrument available to us.

Would you like a stable high-quality lighting system with the lowest possible energy cost? Switch to LEDS and augment your system with the Vertex Booster 1.0, which lowers the voltage and reduces the load and wear. This will result in a long-lasting lighting system with no decrease at all in luminosity!

In some cases, the luminosity at workplaces obviously has to be decided by values that are instrumentally measurable. However, in many cases, the visually perceived luminosity is fully adequate as the basis for a decision. If a human being is unable to tell the difference between two lights or systems, they have to be regarded as equivalent in my opinion!

Light quality is temporary. When all lights are new, the preferred and installed luminosity is maximal. Over time though, the average value decreases and ends up way below the initial requirement. My phase compensator reduces the load and provides better control of light quality.

I tested the Vertex Booster 1.0 on a regular electrical engine, and as expected, the power consumption decreased, but I also felt the engine sounded fresher. Exciting to say the least! To be continued.

There is only one downside to the Booster 1.0 – it appears too good to be true.